Bee Brick™ is created with 60% recycled materials to create an eco-friendly home for our bees. For example-the recycled glass wafers we use in our mix helps with moisture control within the nesting cavities. Bee Brick was created to be long-lasting and to withstand all weather elements. The porous products help displace moisture keeping the cavities dry. Many attempt have been made with other materials such as wood and ceramics, but nothing has proven superior.
Each Bee Brick™ provides small cavities for solitary bees to lay their eggs. Bees lay their eggs inside the holes and seal the entrance with mud or chewed up vegetation. The off spring emerge the These species of bees are very important for pollinating because of the way they collect and carry pollen. Unlike honey bees who only use little pockets on their legs to carry small amounts of pollen. These solitary bees belly flop into the pollen and try to cover their entire underbelly and legs. With their bodies covered they move from flower to flower dropping excess pollen at each stop. They gather pollen to provide their nests with food for their young. A single solitary bee can pollinate the equivalent of 80-100 honey bees.
At Bee Brick, we believe in sustainability. All of our products are crafted with care and commitment, ensuring that we meet the highest standards of quality and ethics.
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